We’ve all had several months now of working in compromised work from home situation. A few will have a dedicated office and many will have been working on their laptop on the kitchen table or even worse on the coffee table. In clinic, I have seen the telling results of this, with many patients presenting with neck and shoulder issues, sometimed accommpainied by an associated headache.
With restrictions being lifted, it looks like many ate slowly drifting back to work but for many the ‘work from home’ will be the ‘new norm’. It is fitting then to take positive steps to help avoid the pitfalls of working in an unsuitable environment.
Here are some tips to help you avoid this.
Dedicated Working Environment
Setting out a dedicated office space will enable you to work efficiently. Working from a kitchen table may not be the ideal but there is much you can do to make it more office-like.
Take a look at this fantastic video animation which highlights most of the points you need to be aware of.
There is also something in it for kids so make sure they watch it too.
A sense of postural awareness at an early age is an investment for the future. – That’s my ‘quote of the day’!
Work Station Assessment
Make sure your workstation is set out correctly or a best you can. Ideally, the top monitor should at eye level or slightly below. Ensure you have a good supporting chair and no compromise here.
Seating and posture for typical office tasks:
- Seat back adjustable
- Good lumbar support n Seat height adjustable
- No excess pressure on underside of thighs and backs of knees
- Foot support if needed
- Space for postural change, no obstacles under desk
- Forearms approximately horizontal
- Wrists not excessively bent (up, down or sideways)
- Screen height and angle to allow comfortable head position
- Space in front of keyboard to support hands/wrists during pauses in keying
Plan your Time
Go to Work: Having a positive mindset about work will set you up to be effective with your time. Even getting dressed appropriately for the office will help in getting you into work-mode. Tell those around you that you are at work and not to be disturbed. This way you can be 100% focused and get done what you need to do.
By Planning your Time: you’ll be more effective, prioritise tasks and don’t get side-tracked by family issues or social media, after-all you are working at home.
But do keep an eye on the time and take regular breaks and finally, when you leave ‘work’ then close the door and leave it behind. Be 100% at work and when you are done, be 100% present with the family or loved ones.
Regular Breaks
Do make sure you take regular breaks, not just stopping work to check your social media but get up and stretch, takeĀ stroll in the garden and get some fresh air.